Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Burn It Down

Burn It Down

Down the rabbit hole,
through the looking glass,
opposite side of the mirror
upside down. This world
is like Wonderland on acid,
the expanses of my mind,
multi-colored and bright,
a rainbow in July.
My eyes are pinwheel prisms
reflected off the stars. Stretch
my fingers out like taffy,
I’m long-handed like an outlaw,
but my six-shooter is made of glass
and when it shoots, I shatter.
You hair glitters, diamonds,
my fingertips run through it
bleeding, bleeding.
Our teardrops are but rain,
we will water the plants with our eyes.
When our bodies come together,
thunder echoes off the wall
like a thousand of burst balloons.
The energy between us could
power this entire city, if
we weren’t so keen to simply
burn it down, and frolic
in its ashes.

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