Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Anyone But Me

Anyone But Me

“Where did you sleep last night?
And was she worth it?
Was she worth it?” – Cher

You’d rather find solace in a stranger’s curves,
bury your face in a foreign shoulder, press
your lips to unknown skin instead
of wrapping your hands around my hips,
kissing these lips that know yours so well.

You’d rather wake in a stranger’s bed,
the scent of her house lingering on you
like the cheap perfume I’m sure she wears,
the cheap moves she pulled to get you
exactly where she wanted you.

You’d rather touch a stranger’s face,
feel new lips under your fingers,
run your hands down her curved cheeks
and pretend I never existed,
that this is actually making you happy.

You’d rather be her one night stand,
a notch in her proverbial bed post,
another conquest for her to brag about
or the reason she breaks
someone else’s heart.

You’d rather be with anyone else.
Anyone but me.

Slip (Back)

Slip (Back)

I’m broken in the wake
of your harsh disappointments
(my reality), the way you
callously cut me out of your heart
like a surgeon, removing me
like I was nothing more
than an ingrown fingernail,
a pesky clogged artery.
Your eyes would reveal
multitudes (I’m sure)
if only I could gaze into them,
I know they’d betray you
which is why, perhaps,
you choose to stay so far from me
(afraid) that you’d slip
back into my arms
and I’d slip back into your heart.